Animal Housecalls of Toronto
Toronto, ON M4T 1K2


Welcome to Animal Housecalls of Toronto Website!


Animal Housecalls of Toronto - Cat and dog

Our Veterinarian and Registererd Veterinary Technician (R.V.T.) OR Animal Care Assistant come to your home!  Dog or cat housecall appointments.  Lab samples brought to lab for often same day results (bloodwork, urinalysis, fecal, etc).  Sick animals are often able to receive treatment in your home.  If your pet requires hospitalization, we can arrange for Surgery, Dental cleaning/extractions or X-rays, IV fluids/medication if required at affiliated clinic.   When required, able to perform humane euthanasia with aftercare transportation for cremation. 


Call or text 416-407-0722 OR email

Blood Work is a Basic Evaluation Tool

What does it mean when a veterinarian says she needs to run some blood work on your pet? Blood work - presurgical or otherwise - is usually a combination of a c ...

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High Anxiety: Pot and Pets

How high is your hound?Now that recreational marijuana use is legal in some states and medical marijuana is legal in many states, marijuana exposure and intoxi ...

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Gallstones in Dogs and Cats

The liver makes bile to help digest food and break down fats. The gallbladder is a sac-like organ connected to the liver. The gallbladder stores bile and releas ...

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MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Dogs and Cats

Staphylococcus aureus, often called Staph aureus or S. aureus, is a bacterium that is normally carried in the nose of about 30% of the general human population ...

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